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Vision has the knowledge and tools to help visitor attractions be successful. At the heart of our approach you will find data and insight.


An industry specific toolbox

Vision use a unique market leading methodology called the ‘5 Models’ to help visitor attraction operators and management teams prepare development strategies for growth or moving to economic sustainability; estimate and understand their market, create memorable visitor experiences and deliver viable operational plans to future-proof their business.

The 5 Models involves a complex dive into attractions data, supplied by the client, as well as sector data that is unique in the tourism sector and owned and used by Vision. The output of the 5 Models is a robust strategy and plan for an attraction that will exceed visitor expectations and deliver a healthy return on any investment or reduce subsidies.

Market Model

Explores the size of the market (resident and tourists), estimates the footfall, assesses how many visitors will come, benchmarks the site against other attractions (market penetration), looks at key market segments and analyses the psychographics of these segments, identifies the gaps in the market and performs a key competitors analysis.


The 5 Models that predict and monitor visitor experiences, to ensure attractions provide a viable and memorable experience.


Experience Model

Examines the Visitor Experience, identifies gaps in the product and proposes solutions, looks at the capacity of the site to see if the project can occupy enough people to make the business model work, calculates the amount of experience components and facilities (restaurants, retail, toilets etc) required, and predicts the quality and value of experience offered by the attraction/destination.


Space Model

Analyses the masterplan and provides vital information about the area needed to entertain/engage/occupy everyone onsite, performs checks on visitor flow and circulation and recommendations for enhancement.


Cost Model

Provides baseline costs for the development plan components and estimates the investment needed to implement the plan. This is an iterative process as the Model is fluid enough to measure achievability against budget, until what is proposed is affordable. The Model also sets-out the phasing of investment into a sustainable development plan.


Business Model

Reviews the income model, pricing strategy and funding model in order to answer the questions about how much can be charged (pricing strategy), income generation (including tickets, catering, retail, accommodation, extra pay activities and other business streams) and how the project is funded (funding model and fundraising assistance)? A range of Return on Investment, KPI’s and subsidy reduction models can also be calculated.

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